Finding an Affordable and Durable Dog Chew
Got a dog? Got a butt load of dogs? If yes, do you ever struggle with finding toys or treats that will keep them occupied for a long...
Win a CASE of RedBarn Dipped Biscuits
I am a pet blogger. That means, among other things, pretty much every package we receive in the mail is not actually intended for the...
Potpourri Post for A Dog Walks into a Bar
Some exciting things have occurred since our last post and time has gotten away from us! I apologize for a delay, but wanted to share...
A Dog Walks into Fort Hill Brewery
Tomorrow will be a glorious day! I say that with confidence because that will be the day all of our favorite things merge together like...
Sleep in Style with #MollyMutt Review and Giveaway
The folks at Molly Mutt were kind enough to provide us with this product to test. Even so, our opinions regarding this product are an...
2 Dogs = Over $800 in Donations to Shelter!
For those fair weathered friends who have followed our adventures on the magical land of instagram (for new followers, photos of the pups...