A Heart Dog's Origin Story
We knew we would name her Quincy before we even knew she existed. A Boston Terrier clearly was intended to have a name for a famous...

The Benefits of CBD for Dogs and Humans
CBD. You hear about it all the time, nowadays. In one regard, that’s awesome, especially if people are learning about its potential...

Everything you should know about heartworm
It happened this weekend. While we were packing the car after spending time visiting family, we allowed a “guest” to join us in the car...

Five Essential Tomlyn Products to Improve Dog Health
It’s mid-march, and dreams of corned beef and cabbage are floating in people’s heads in advance of St. Patrick’s Day. No one in our...

Caring for a Senior Dog, Tips & Tools
If you couldn’t tell already by Bean’s frosted eyebrows, she’s officially considered a senior (commence high volumes of sobbing, now). I...

Lessons Learned from Temple Grandin
It was doing some sort of weird freeze drizzle recently as I got in my car and prepared to head east towards a town outside of Boston. ...

How to Ensure a Fear Free Dog Nail Trim
Bean has been in our lives for just over nine years. As in, the nine year anniversary of us bringing her home was yesterday (November...

How to Raise Money for Pet Emergencies Using Waggle
I would venture to guess that many people you ask who have a pet (or once owned one) will say that they are like family members. I know...

Steps to Teach Your Dog How to Come When Called and Win Prizes
Happy almost Halloween, everyone! I am thrilled to be a part of an amazing and clever giveaway for the third time that helps...

My Dog Has Allergies, Now What?
My dog has allergies. If you’re a seasoned reader, this is old news since this has been something Bean has dealt with pretty much her...