We're happy to share that you can purchase A Dog Walks into a Bar swag through Zazzle! Pick up your very own t-shirt, coozie, glassware, coasters and more! We make a small commission if you buy items through Zazzle. Proceeds from purchases will be donated to our local animal shelter.
Please visit the following companies and use the following coupon codes for product discounts!
PrideBites (use code BEANPARTY) = 20% discount
Natural Dog Company (use code BEANPARTY) = 10% discount
Animal Hearted Apparel (use code BEANPARTY10) = 10% discount
PetHub = No discount, but this is an amazing product that we work closely with. Be on the lookout for future deals!
Animal Hearted offers creative and funny apparel items for humans that are obsessed with their pets.
Pridebites specializes in dog toys and products. Items can be personalized with text and images of your pup.
Natural Dog Company features all natural dog care products such as snout soother and paw soother.
PetHub offers physical ID tags that link to a FREE online profile for your pet, that can include contact info & emergency contacts!