Brew Dog(s) of the Month - Lilly and Tucker from Beer'd Brewing
I was getting super stressed that there was a gap between our Brew Dog of the Month feature from September and our current Brew Dog(s) of the Month for November, and then I realized, it’s my blog, there’s no reason why the feature has to happen each month! Once I took the pressure off myself, I was then able to get excited about the November Brew Dog feature.

Please allow me to introduce you to a double feature for November! Tucker and Lilly from Beer’d Brewing in Stonington, Connecticut. You’ve heard us talk a lot about Beer’d over the years. Aside from the fact that the beer is out of this world amazing, the husband and wife duo, Aaron and Precious, at the helm of the brewery are some of the coolest cats around. They’re passionate, fun, thoughtful, and talented. We have developed a friendship with them, and other members of the Beer’d staff and we have been thankful for their support of us and our blogging and photography ventures since we started.

The idea for A Dog Walks into a Bar literally happened while I was standing in line for a growler fill at Beer’d one weekend with Yoda in tow. Without Beer’d, who knows if this site would ever have occurred! In a lot of ways, our ventures have grown up together, which is exciting to be able to witness and to be able to continue to provide each other with support.

Tucker, getting some love from Beer'd owner, Aaron.
It comes as no surprise to me, that their brewing enterprise has been incredibly successful in the five years they’ve been established (they will be celebrating their five year anniversary with an event called Five Years of Beer, this Saturday, November 11). Lines form at their heavy metal sliding door before the brewery is slated to open with excited patrons armed with coolers and empty growlers. These lines are not an anomaly. I have never encountered a time when the brewery wasn’t filled with new and seasoned fans enjoying a pint and bringing some home to enjoy.

With their ever-growing popularity, Beer’d has been faced with the best worst problem, which is not having enough space to produce the beer needed to meet demand. While I’m not going to divulge too many details, I am happy to report that “the management” is working on establishing a new location for production that will allow them to create more delicious beer!
Now that I’ve successfully planted a teaser, you’re welcome Aaron and Precious (Beer'd Brewing owners), let’s talk a bit more about the featured brew dogs, who help with the operations of the brewery with nary a salary besides treats and belly rubs. Lilly and Tucker are both English Pointers, a breed I had not met until I got to say hello to Lilly when she first joined the Beer’d family. The breed can be described as buckets of love mixed with a barrel of comedy and energy!!

You can't take photos of dogs without bringing treats and toys!
Lilly, is the head of Human Resources, so you better be on her good side. She helps with ensuring everyone’s benefits are in order, which include stock benefit portfolios in dog kisses. While the risk is low for these portfolios, rumor has it, the return on investment is high and can also reduce high blood pressure. Lilly brings fun loving energy to her job in HR, where she helps to make sure everyone is paid on time and she works on making sure the company internet use policy includes visiting websites with cute puppy photos. It’s her firm contention that it helps with company productivity, but it could also be because she can’t read.

Lilly would most likely win a smiling contest, should that ever be a thing that occurs.
Tucker, while the younger of the two, is larger and has no qualms about taking you to the “gun show,” since he’s in charge of Beer’d Brewing security. His view of maintaining status quo is a bit uncouth compared to other members of a security team. Instead of using intimidation, he stealthily observes, and performs some masterful “pointing” to alert others of things that are not in order. He is a pointer after all, so it makes sense that he points. In his off hours, he likes chewing through plush toys in less than ten minutes and going for long walks with Lilly and his humans.

Just imagine that toy is an unruly brewery patron. Watch as Tucker takes control of the situation!
Lilly and Tucker believe strongly in supporting animal rescue, and their humans are passionate about that cause as well as staying active. They help to keep everyone fit, including brewery patrons, by helping to host fun runs when weather permits. Runners start and end at the brewery and are able to enjoy a couple pints upon their return. Proceeds from this, along as other pint fills throughout the year help to support an organization called Running For Rescues. I plan on writing a post specific for Running For Rescues soon, so I’ll leave you to visiting their site for now to learn more about what they do and why they’re so unique. Take a look at how much Beer'd has helped them out this past year!

We can't wait to see all the future has in store for the Beer'd Brewing team, including brew dogs Lilly and Tucker! Cheers to five years and many more years of beer and brew dogs down the road!