A Dog Walks into a Bar...What's the Punchline Contest
Guys, have you heard? A Dog Walks into a Bar is a finalist for the BlogPaws Nose to Nose Awards again this year! I was hoping to be a finalist but was surprised that the blog was listed as a finalist for three different categories. Best Photo (shown somewhere in this post, because it KILLS me), Best Sponsored Video for our video we created for Santa Snacks by Blue Buffalo, and Best Humor Blog.

Best. Humor. Blog?
I guess I’m funny. I don’t necessarily try to be funny when I’m writing, but it sorta oozes through, like a wound that could use a helpful and healing salve. The dogs and their facial expressions also lends itself to humor, considering they crack me up almost every moment of the day. The photos and videos don’t do them justice for their comedic relief.

I mean, look at him...he's hysterical!
In honor of our Best Humor Blog nomination, and the nagging question I’ve gotten since creating this blog, I’ve decided to dive in and ask for help with the “punchline.”
I literally (and I hate it when people say literally, but it works here) had a person see my A Dog Walks into a Bar t-shirt, walk across a busy intersection, and approach me aggressively. With his brow furrowed, he pointed to my shirt and said: “What’s the punchline?!?!!!” I responded with a lighthearted, “well, it’s the name of my blog, you see I like dogs and drinking…” He interrupted, wagging his finger and said, “Okay, but what’s the PUNCHLINE?”

It was the first time someone was so forceful about the question of our missing punchline, but I have had quite a few inquiries since that conversation.
To be honest, I simply don’t have a punchline that I think is funny enough to include in our blog. I’ve wracked my brain, but I think I’m in a ‘can’t see the forest for the trees,’ kind of situation.
That’s where YOU come in! I’m announcing my “What’s the Punchline,” contest here on the blog and on social media. If you submit the winning punchline, you’re going to win some pretty sweet prizes!!
Here are the details:
Comment on this post with a punchline suggestion (unlimited entries).
Keep brainstorming and commenting until the contest wraps up. We are slated to see if we win (fingers crossed) a Nose to Nose award on April 20th, so the contest will run until midnight on 4/20/2018.
A secret team of judges will deliberate to help me decide which punchline is the best fit.
I'm not against there being more than one winner!
PRIZES: well, the contest ends on 4/20 so we have some pretty chill prizes for you!
1 Bag CBD Treats from Treatibles
1 Tie Dye Bandana
1 Super snuggly blanket from Teckelklub
1 Hop Dog Toy (upsidedown, it's a hop, rightsideup, it's an artichoke) from Planet Dog
A bunch of treats to help with the munchies
Tito's Vodka Swag
1 A Dog Walks into a Bar shirt with your punchline (that does mean that you're agreeing to your punchline being used if you participate in this contest)!